Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Effects of Mass Production of Industrial Corn Research Paper
Effects of Mass Production of industrial Corn - Research Paper ExampleThe temperate plains of the US offers some of the best emergent purlieu for feed whisky in the earth, that making the US as the orbits top manufacturer of corn in monetary value of both price and volume. So that US is not only the top manufacturer of corn in the world, but also the top exporter. On average, about 20 percent of corn produced in the US is exported. During fiscal year 2010, the United States exported 49.9 million metric tons (1.96 billion bushels) - accounting for 53.8 percent of world corn exports. During the same period, other major corn exporters included Argentina (16.7 million metric tons, or 660 million bushels) and Brazil (8.6 million metric tons, or 338 million bushels) (Corn Zea Mays, Family Poaceae, Commonly Known as Maize, 2010). Industrial corn is mainly used for industrial purpose. So that mass occupation of industrial corn create certain issues or problems in U S. Main two problem faced by the society due to the impact of mass doing of corn is the environmental problem and economic problem. environmental problem can be reduced by modality of reducing the chemical usage for producing the corn for industrial usage. Like economic problem of the corn can be reduced by way adopting the most stable financial policy. This research proposal consists of economic and environment problem of the mass production of the corn and also the causes of these problem.... Now a day, due to the globalized economy, the world faces many problems pertaining to the .environment such as wet pollution, air pollution, etc and these environmental problems have direct and indirect impacts on the society. An environmental problem happens whenever there is a change in the quantity or quality of any environmental issue which indirectly or directly influences the health and well-being of man in an unfavorable manner. Environmental problems history is always regarding homo dealings with the natural world. The important objective of environmental history is to increase our understanding of how a man has been influenced by the environment in the past and also how they have influenced those surroundings and with what consequences. Direct Problems For mass production of corn the agriculture sector requires ample fertilizers and the intensive use of fertilizers create water pollution, which, in turn, whitethorn affect human health and natural eco system. As such, this may be described as the environmental and health consequences of industrial agriculture (Lappe, 2011, para. 4). The use of chemicals can cause negative impacts in human and mammals and livestock. increase production will lead to the increased production of ethanol. In the US more ethanol elaboration plants are seeking permission to start new facilities. To increase maximum corn production for getting more profit the agriculturists may use nitrogen and other chemicals, which will affect the surface and bod y politic water quality. Indirect Problems The massive use of corn for industrial purpose would bring high want for the corn which will lead to the increase in the price of the product and to meet increased necessary the country have to import from other countries. The
Monday, April 29, 2019
Push and pull factors in Syrian migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Push and pull factors in Syrian migration - analyze Example(Mooney, 2014). Mostly, people flee in entire families in order to save their children. The flow of refugees from Syria affects many other states including twain the immediate neighbors and the more distanced countries, because the refugees looking for shelter, employment and safety produce considerable invasion on their social welfare policy and economy.With the outbreak of the war, forced migration began including people seeking asylum abroad and internally displaced citizens. The scale is rather disturbing, as nearly a half of the entire Syrian commonwealth is reported to have migrated and the numbers of refugees has been persistently growing since 2011. Presently, the number of the emigrants registered in other countries reaches 3,810,574 people, according to the reports of the UN Refugee post (UNHCR, 2015) whereas the number of internally displaced citizens is estimated 6.5 million (Nebehay, 2014). It is necessary to mention that not all Syrians have been able to dun the border in order to migrate to other countries many of them are reported to have difficulties in crossing the border. It is especially relevant for Palestinian refugees living in Syria, who are often deported from the neighboring countries (e.g. Jordan) fanny to the warring country (Mooney, 2014). However, the flow of the internally displaced doesnt seize, because peoples lives are endangered both by governmental military forces and non-state armed groups (The Independent International Commission of Inquiry for the Syrian Arab Republic, 2014).The close to frequent destinations of the forced migration are the immediate neighbors, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon other countries to give refuge to Syrians are Egypt, the United States, trade union African countries and members of the European Union. Particularly, Jordan remains among the most favorable hosting countries for a range of reasons. The influx of
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Macro Economics - Research a country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Macro Economics - Research a republic - Essay ExampleThe other neighbors of India that lie in the Indian Ocean are Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand and Indonesia. Discussion The Indian economy is the eleventh largest economy in the world in terms of nominal charge. The nominal worth of India has been estimated to be $1.75 trillion. The economy is also designated as the third ranked economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. The ground has witnessed an average GDP growth rate of 5.8% oer the final twenty years with the average growth rate of the economy reaching to 6.1% in 2011-12. The backbone of the Indian economy is the agricultural celestial sphere supported by the huge labor force avail commensurate in India. The size of the labor force in India is 486.6 million which is the second largest in the world. The sparing reforms adopted by the country have seen the growth of the services sector in a rapid manner over the last twenty years. The agriculture sector now c onstitutes 18.1% of the GDP of India, the services sector constitutes 55.6% and the industrial sector comprises 26.3% of the GDP of the country. However, the country has GDP per capita of USD$448.91 which ranks 140th in the world. The political system in India has seen the emergence of compression organization formed over the last two decades with no single party being able to attain majority in forming the central government. There is diverse opinion between different states. However, in the best interest of the nation, the central government and states work hand in hand to implement the policies for frugal growth. The economic reforms adopted by India to attain economic liberalization have seen growing investments in the raising and heath sector (Mankiw, 2011). The infrastructure of the rural health and education has developed due to the strategic policies of the government thereby improving overall jumpard of living for the population. The share of India in world trade was 1 .68% as on 2008. India has emerged as the nineteenth largest exporter and the tenth largest significationer in the world as on 2011. The main industries that import goods in India are the crude oil, chemicals, fertilizers, gems and machineries. The major industries that export goods from India are leather, textile, jewellery, petroleum, engineering goods, etc. The average exports of India stand at USD$3703 and the average imports is USD$5463 as on 2013 (Trading Economics, 2013). The process of world-wideization has led to the inflow of huge volumes of international direct investments in the country. India has been able to develop progressive technologies that have laid the path of sustainable economic progress of the country. By attracting foreign investments, India has been able to catalyze the growth of industries and services that impacted the economic trends in a positive manner. The telecommunication industry is the fastest growing industry in India while the railcar indust ry is the second fastest growing industry in the world. This has led to the rise in the income train of the population that stimulated the economic demands followed by the growth of production volume and GDP growth in India. India has been in a relatively advantageous position in the world economy after the global financial crisis and meltdown (Allen, 1999). Indias share of overseas investments in US was limited due to which the country was far more insulated from the adverse impacts of the crisis. India has moved from strength to strength with central bank in India
Saturday, April 27, 2019
AUDIT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
AUDIT - firevas Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of an External Audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Description of Risk-Based Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Identified Business Risks at Lordbury wendy house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Role of the External Auditor in the Detection of Fraud at Lordbury Playhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Bibliography 1. Introduction This refers to your letter dated May 3, 2011 regarding the completed year-end analyze of the Spectrum Theater crowd Ltd. I have endeavored to give an explanation of the reasons for the huge amount charged for state study. 2. Legal Requirements to have or not to have an External Audit There are licit mandates in UK for the conduct of external audit in an organization such as the Spectrum Theater Group Ltd. Under the Companies Act of 1985 , auditors are required to audit the annual financial statements of the organization and to submit a corresponding base to management if said report meets the requirements of said Act. The auditors shall also include in their report their findings regarding the accounting records of the organization if properly maintained. ... in accordance with the Combined Code on Corporate boldness effective November 1, 2003, we are also required to review compliance of the organization with the Listing Rules of the said canon and to report findings accordingly. 3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of an External Audit An external audit aims to review the companys financial statements and inside controls for the auditor to give an opinion as to whether the said financial statements are fairly presented. The auditor can also comment on the weaknesse s of financial controls and records he finds in the audit. While recognizing the valid purpose of an audit, it has about advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Findings of the auditor regarding financial controls and operational weaknesses or inadequacies can be immediately corrected/improved/ compound by management Assurance for management and board of directors that accounting controls and processes used are in graze and effective. Accurate financial statement is basis for proper tax filings of the organization , thus penalties and interests can be prevented The companys image or status is improved/enhanced resulting to greater opportunities for projects by in-coming investors and depose by regulatory agencies and the public. Disadvantages The expenses incurred to pay the auditor and the cost of documentation shall involve a huge amount. The direction can rely on their internal auditors to conduct the investigation. External auditor gains access to confidential records. dup lication of efforts of internal auditors and external auditors conducting the audit procedures at the same time, same period for the same purpose. 4. Description of Risk-based Auditing Risk-based audit focuses on risks assessment and prioritization of risks rather than giving
Friday, April 26, 2019
Discuss the War of 1812. Begin with a short background of the conflict Essay
Discuss the War of 1812. Begin with a short background of the conflict and the reasons for a U.S. declaration of fight. How did the war change the States Disuss at least(prenominal) three major long term results of the War - Essay ExampleThe war of 1812 was a war that was fought chiefly between the government of the United States of America and the British empire (Chiefly British North America/Canada). Without question there had been a strongly strained relationship between the United States and the British pudding stone since the conclusion of the war of independence.The war was fought both the land and sea, and there were a number of different agents affect such as the Americans, United Empire Loyalists, Qubcois, The British, Upper & Lower Canadians, American Indians etc. afterwards the British had defeated Napoleon on the European more resources were freed up for the war effort and as such a more aggressive strategy was employed. Although neither side lost any major territo ry in the war the war was concluded with a number of treaties (Such as the Rush-Bagot Treaty) which helped lead to the un-militarized with child(p) lakes and helped lead to an un-militarized borderbetween Canada and the United states that remains to this day.As with any historical event such as a war it is often the case that the issues surrounding it are not cut and dry. In the case of the war of 1812 the reasoning behind the declaration of war was not as simple as one would think. agree to Horseman (1962) it was the case that the British engaged in a naval conflict with the United States that truism the commandeering of American vessels and seizing sailors on the grounds that they were deserters from British naval forces and as such were co-opted into British Service. Moreover, salutary trade restrictions were placed by the British on the United States and France (Which hurt American commercial interests) and in the end many American Indians were being supported by the Britis h to impede American expansion into the western hemisphere (Of the American Continent).Ultimately these grievances helped push James Madison to give a long speech to the U.S. carnal knowledge regarding American interests and
Thursday, April 25, 2019
International Financial Reporting Standards Assignment - 1
foreign Financial Reporting Standards - Assignment ExampleMore than 100 countries have formally accepted IFRS as the standards for preparing pecuniary statements and to become compatible with each other. IFRS are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), a private sector international body. In fact, IASB itself is a new body, which emerged on the international scene in the year 2001, by replacing the International Accounting Standard Committee (IASC). With the increasing acceptance of these standards somewhat the world, it appears all the more necessary for multinational enterprises (MNE) and countries with a global presence, that they should adopt the IFRS in order to rag their functioning more acceptable in these areas. This will not only help the MNEs to save on their resources, but it will also help them in making use of similar modular and takeout systems for accounting. There are many countries where the IFRS are not yet in use, but even in such countr ies, IFRS inspired standards are now being used. This helps in making the fullest use of the globalization and ease practices. Therefore it is in the interest of US companies that they should adopt the IFRS in all sincerity and make the better use of the available opportunities. In fact, adopting uniform standards will also help in tracking financial irregularities and thinking of appropriate solutions. Key benefits of going for IFRS include i. Streamlining of reporting of the financial health of the company ii. damage reduction - as companies will be able to make standard packages iii. Consistency in trading operations and financial details iv. Comparison with international competitors becomes easier. v. Better opportunities for accessing capital markets
Examined life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Examined life - Essay ExampleIt is obvious that Socrates would try to rationalize things in order to prove himself right before the jury, though the admonishment would be based on roughly degree of underlying truth that needs to be identified. I can know what the true light is. In his reply to the second charge, Socrates tries to make undue use of his attitudes. It so seems that his point is not square enough to convince the audience otherwise. Therefore, he takes the assistance of his attitudes to shut the audience up and enforce his perceptions on the audience. This is not right In the capacity of seeker of truth and justice, I should strictly condemn this air of Socrates and impose another charge on him of having tried to convince the audience through emotions rather than logic. Critics may say that he had to be stressful in his tone because he was speaking on behalf of Athenians, though this is just a fake justification. What is right appears right whether or not one meddles with ones tone to make it look right These ideas are most evident in the study of ethics. I think so because people tend to mould ethical standards according to their taste through a mix of fake justification and emotional intelligence.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Three topics every topic one page Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
trio topics every topic one page - Essay ExampleAs early as the 1820s the linked States instituted reform measures aimed at curbing break ones backry throughout the country. For instance, the Missouri Compromise, naturalised in 1820, outlawed the act of thrall in any of the territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. While the Missouri Compromise constituted a major reform measures, undoubtedly another of the most prominent reform measures was the Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 established a number of reform measures aimed to curb the then boiling tensions regarding slavery. This compromise specifically indicated that Washington D.C. would not become a slave state and that the Southern wish to involve California in the slave trade was also prohibited. Conversely, the act granted the southern states a strong fugitive slave act, which ensured fly slaves would be returned. Ultimately, however, while these reform measures put off the eventual war, they would not be enough to pulley the significant sectional crisis that emerged. 2. The mid-19th century American division between the northern and southern states over slavery came to be referred to as the sectional crisis. The sectional crisis divided the people along geographic lines and created new divisions that the nation had never previously experienced. This essay argues that the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
ACADEMIC CULTURE & VALUES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ACADEMIC CULTURE & VALUES - canvass ExampleIn as much as it remains a common language among various countries incline has various advantages and disadvantages.English taking on the role of cosmea language has various advantages, to subtract with is the uniformity is accords to reference. It is language, which maintains its originality due to stringent rules guiding its usage ( Ammon 2003, p 63). Recently the Australia based organizations acquired it to facilitate devoid trade among the 13 member countries. English further ensures a free discourse among member countries across borders, as it remains a simple language to learn and consequently, a global language cognize by many people.Technological advancements in the current world get help from English as a world language. Computer advancement for instance has programme softwares in English as other languages seem are difficult to understand and learn. This makes English the only language, which can be beneficial to the whole world and accepted by every country. In as much as English is not a common language for everybody utilise the internet it has remained a common and merge language to all people.Further English has an advantage of taking the worlds language from the context that all world media fraternities apart from internet use English. This includes world television networks including CNN and Aljazira. In addition, other field such as medication prints instructions through English as well as giving medication guidelines using English. In the field of business, English still forms a key communication medium at form traffic controls including airports and airplanes. This makes English an international language with many advantages as it forms a common medium of communication (Kirkpatrick 2007, p 16).Apart from facilitating communication around the world, English has done a lot of harm to the world. To assume with is the fact that it has made other languages disappear and
Monday, April 22, 2019
Comcast Corporation and its Vision Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comcast green goddess and its Vision - Assignment ExampleOne of the companies which has formulated and implemented its vision is Comcast Corporation. Comcast Corporation was established in the year 1963. It offers the following services in the broadcasting, pay TV and internet provision VoIP phone, Cable television, subject field set, Broadband internet, Sports franchising, Home Security Systems, Radio broadcasting, Motion pictures, Television broadcasting. The vision of this company is As Comcast evolves, we remain to look to the future - seeking out new communications technology, new opportunities, and more choices. We want to widen to provide people with the communications products and services that connect them to whats important in their lives.From Brooks Barnesaugs article Comcast invests by the Billion in Theme Parks, Hogwarts and All published it is evidenced that Comcast Corporation not only has a yen vision, but has been implementing it to the latter. The expansionist strategies of the company especially in theme parks clearly shows that it is indeed committed to creating a brighter future, looking for and exploring new opportunities, high-tech innovations as well as choices aimed at exclusively satisfying the diverse needs of its clientele. There are many organizations which, despite having smart visions, do not bother about implementing them in order to optimize their available opportunities. As recounted by Brooks in its article, the company has spent a lot of resources to fulfill its vision.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Punishment Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Punishment Strategies - Essay ExampleI believe that every pincer can learn and can excel, when provided the means to succeed. Through differentiated instruction, this can be achieved. I in any case believe that while developing their academic skills, teachers should help students develop their social skills. As a crystalliseroom, we result work together on developing a sense of respect for ourselves and others and a sense of responsibility. Students who ascertain our classroom precepts leave receive a ticket at the end of the day for each rule that they followed throughout the day. This way, each student can earn 3 tickets a day. These tickets can be traded in on Fridays for the following Consequences 1st offense verbal warning 2nd offense silent dejeuner 3rd offense owe 5 minutes of recess 4th offense owe 10 minutes of recess and note home The first measure that a student breaks a class rule, the student will be given a verbal warning and the teacher will motivate the stud ent of the rule that has been broken. The second time that a student breaks the same rule, the teacher will propel the student of the rule and the student will be required to eat lunch without talking. The third time that a student breaks the same rule, the teacher will remind the student of the rule and the student will spend owe 5 minutes of recess to the teacher.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
E-Goverment Network Infrastructure for the State of Kuwait Term Paper
E-Goverment Network Infrastructure for the State of capital of Kuwait - Term Paper archetypeanon. Computer Technologies is a Kuwait based company dealing with software development and maintenance, net profit design and deployment, hardware troubleshooting and a diverse range of outsourcing services. Its mission is to target high end stock franchises in order to fulfill their computer solving requirements. Its vision is to become a leading IT solution company in Kuwait, a future point of reference and to trade on the Kuwait standard Exchange. The company has a general objective of satisfying its customers needs and separate objectives for the Kuwait project that include to design, develop and deploy a net income infrastructure for Kuwait, to link every government ministry, department and good body throughout the untaught via the network system and to facilitate adequate data exchange amidst the various government segments . The company has potential to grow given the promise in the multimillion dollar emergence IT market in Kuwait. It has an upper hand to its competitors given its work portfolio and a professional team to boot. In addition to this, the company is sufficiently marketed through advertisements in the internet, print media, various promotions through event sponsorship and pamphlets. Anonymous Computer Technologies has its main operations based on the services and products it offers of software development, networking and sales of computer accessories. To study these operations efficiently, the company utilizes various financial reports that include project Start-up Funding Reports, financial Indicators report and communicate cash flow. The company hosts an assortment of products and services that are implemented by a professional team made up of 38 members and comprising of the Chief Executive Officer, his assistant, the Chief Information Officer, developers, database administrators, the company secretary, the financial controller, net workers, sales personnel and a marketing team of three. Introduction The business world has revolutionized from the physical market to the impalpable internet market that is widely referred to as ecommerce. Ecommerce, an idea originating from Information Technology and the internet have ensured that the international market has been minimized to a click away and also ensured that business is conducted in a domineering manner. Kuwait is an Arab country that has not lagged behind in this wave of new age business conduct. virtually Kuwait businesses are run by ecommerce and statistics gathered have proven beyond doubt that Kuwait is fast turning towards a near 100% to ecommerce. In 2008, it was reported that 72% of ecommerce users transacted credit table payments through ecommerce modes. In the same year, 15.5% of all cubicle phone users in the country with a cell phone penetration of over 80% used ecommerce. However, one significant aspect in the country is dragging the whole re volution a traditional Kuwait government network structure (Business supervise International, 13). Kuwait citizens including workers within the government ministries, departments and other statutory bodies have had to suffer from an unreliable governmental network structure that denies them adequately
Friday, April 19, 2019
ETHICS (Nietzsche, Daly, and Beauvoir) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
ETHICS (Nietzsche, Daly, and Beauvoir) - Essay ExampleThese traditions atomic number 18 nihilistic in the sense that they deny an actual lifetime as the pass on to power. In additions, they occasion a moral of order of im moral philosophy and in effect(p) that applies to everyone in spite of individual differences. In this sense, evil is what contains harm to the masses. Nietzsche, therefore, explains that the salve piety pushes an individual to condemn ones strengths and ignore ones basic instincts.Master morality is the savior for the individual suffering under the yokes of slave morality. Nietzsche explains master morality as having the control over ones own will to power (Nietzsche 116). This means ignoring the will of the absolutist world thereby living according to ones personality and instincts. Master morality means egoism that devotes to self-elevation. The self becomes the center of life and it deserves glorification and constant nurturing. In this sense, the only wa keless thing is that that enhances the feeling of power in a person. Master morality supersedes the traditional definition of the good and the evil.The death of god seeks to detach the person from the mystical world. It is crucial to highlight that Nietzsche supreme view of concrete life guides most of his philosophical thoughts, including the death of god. The philosopher points out to an invalid eternal world and highlights the demise of ingrained values that have unfortunately become the mode of contemporary life. This is not necessarily an act of scorn towards the idea of Supreme Being, but it seeks to liberate the individual from delusions. An individual becomes free to articulate ones life according to individually set morals. This is a path to fulfillment since a person commits to the life that one sees rather than be detained by a moral order that is inconsistent with the concrete needs of the individual.Transformation from all values refers to redefinition of morality to suit the individual disposition. It involves detaching oneself from
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Education - Essay ExampleThrough out(p) the lesson Lila approaches the instructor to ask for clarification of certain travel of the task. From my classroom observations I notice that Lila has a certain motivation for learning, she is keen to learn and the teacher fosters an milieu where Lila feels comfort able. Huitt (1999) claims, dyslexic students require constant repetition in order to learn words and sentence structure. Lila has show a skill in memorising words and facts rather than understanding or sounding out words. This was patent when the teacher asked Lila to repeat the sights words and he repeated them without looking at them and in the order they were indite on the board, obviously she has memorized them in order to do this. However, Lila tends to lose concentration easily as swell even though she is motivated in the task she tends to lose concentration and give up subsequently attempting the task a few times. Her failed attempt at the task overrides her curiosity to learn. Lila enjoys creative arts lessons where she is able to explore her creative ability, especially music lessons which unfortunately the teacher finds difficult to incorporate on a regular basis. However, the teacher allows Lila to play independently on a keyboard, on a regular basis, in order to keep her motivated and passionate throughout the year. During visual arts lessons Lila creates art browse with lots of patterns and similarities, for recitation during a lesson where students were learning about patterns, the teacher had Lila paint the patterns in order to demonstrate her understanding, and he created fearful pieces of work which demonstrates understanding beyond the Stage 1 level. Due to Lilas dyslexia he is reading at an early stage 1 level and requires help with tasks that involve a large amount of reading. The teacher modifies tasks for Lila in order to ensure she builds upon her existing skills rather than providing work beyond her understanding. For instance during a lesson on writing information reports the teacher had a sample information report printed on paper, cut out and jumbled up. Instead of writing Lila was expected to identify the features of an information report and put the sentences in an earmark order. After which Lila glued the sentences in her English workbook. During this task Lila demanded less attention than normal from the teacher, as she wasnt struggling to write, rather she was aiming to learn and understand. This is a great activity as it takes Lilas mind extraneous from writing and allows her to concentrate on putting the sentences in chronological order. Huitt (1999) believes that repetition is the key to dyslexic students woeful from sequence problems. Lila is very vocal and assertive at times in the classroom. She prefers to work independently as she feels that her peers thinking are not of her liking. During group work Lila raises her voice and quarrels with her peers on the logistics of the task, she feel s that her way is superior and expects her peers to follow. At times Lilas creativity and intellectual abilities are beyond the task, therefore she find group work boring and irrelevant during these times. There are also instances where Lila is not concerned with
Why do we do school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Why do we do give lessons - Essay Exampleoday, an individual does not necessarily require a degree to make currency because the contemporary age is full of opportunities using which people can establish their own businesses and make overmuch more than m unmatchabley than what they can by becoming employed in other companies. However, doing business in the 21st century requires much more knowledge, and different kinds of talents and competencies that make it much more complex than what one needed to do business in the gone ages. Today, if a person has a lot of cash granted to him by the parents but the person himself is not educated, it is quite likely that the person would be caught in the net of frauds laid by other smarter and more educated people. In the bear witness age, it is even more important to have the skills to survive and thrive personally as well as as a businessman in a dynamic and increasingly multicultural society than to have money. Schools today divine service the very purpose of inculcating these skills in the students in a whole range of ways e.g. by doctrine them foreign languages, business administration and management, and advanced accounting techniques and softwares etcetera. Schools have proved their importance already by helping nations rise because of the quality of education imparted by them. When the economies ofJapan, Korea, Thailand, and other East Asian countries were growing at rates so fast that they were predicted to surpass the U.S. economy within short periods of time, the education system was oft blamed for the nations seeming loss of competitive advantage (Hanushek, n.d., p. 141). We do schools to grow intellectually as well as socially so that we can live a happy and light life in the challenging environment of the contemporary age.In the highly competitive society of the present age, getting a degree from a school is only one of the factors that increase an individuals chances of getting employed. There are thou sands of people in the society who have the degrees and are still
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Leadership styes used in modern Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Leadership styes used in new-fashioned Russia - Essay Example to a lower place the modern Russia, there are various leadershiphip styles which have become very apparent. This report shall convey and critically assess these leadership styles applied by companies/individuals in modern Russia. This paper seeks to assess what pillowcase and how these leadership styles are being applied in modern Russia, and how effective they are in component part achieve the economic and political goals of the country. Body During the transition period from the totalitarian governance to the free market, Russia has restraind to get the hang the major changes within the microeconomic and macroeconomic framework, including the political processes and cultural practices and behaviours (Fey and Dennison, 2001). It is therefore important to evaluate and agnize the present progression of Russia under a global setting, and to evaluate the elements which indicate effective leadership and the stupor of culture within the transition economy. Throughout the years, Russia was able to gain the values of both the West and the East, generally in relation to reason as well as inspiration. It also provided a bridge betwixt the East and Western values and traditions (Gratchev, 2001). These qualities helped push Russia to success, often encouraging it to concentrate its efforts towards gaining control over its colossal geographic space. Diversity In modern Russia, the role of the state and corporations in economic activities is very overmuch significant. Their economy is controlled by a few financial and industrial conglomerates and considered significantly power than the government (Bollinger, 1994). Russias future will have to depend on the relations between the different major players in the economy and the government. Within the competitive framework of the modern economic Russia, the countrys management kernel is diverse in its economic and political interests (Gratchev, 2001). So me conventions are known as the Old maintain who are highly adept at large-scale activities, including the management of technological innovations (Gratchev, et.al., 2005). These leaders also manage to access the primary decision-making points and utilize connections in order to control resources. These leaders manage large industrial corporations in highly competitive sectors including oil, gas, space travel, and shipbuilding (Gratchev, et.al., 2005). The other set of modern Russian leaders are known as the New Wave leaders. These leaders work based on the source of economic reform. These are also the younger leaders who seek success and business education. Another group of leaders are known as the Unwilling Entrepreneurs (Gratchev, et.al., 2005). These are leaders who are prompted to take the possibility due to their fears of unemployment and most of their transactions are in the small-scale trade. Based on these diverse elements and motivations, modern Russian leadership cont ains elements of the diverse, and their distinct and diverse quality is their motivation for engaging in business (Gratchev, et.al., 2005). coercive not authoritarian leadership Russia is traditionally based on authoritative leadership, and the new era of capitalism supports this tradition. Even with strong entrepreneurship competencies among its businessmen, these businessmen have significant power within organizations (Kets de Vries, et.al., 2004). Followers see their leaders as superior individuals who have unique
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Friendship Definition Essay Example for Free
Fri poleship Definition EssayDont walk behind me I may non lead. Dont walk in front of me I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend said Albert Camus. People understand the concept of friendship differently, just now there is one common ground for it- it is always built on a mutual sympathy, correspond to the Cambridge dictionary. acquaintance can last for many years and sire stronger, but they can also end right away. No one knows the exact definition of friendship however they do cod their knowledge way to tell if they have a friend. People say its thorny to find a true friend- they ar right because not everyone you know is your friend. Friendship is something important to me because I need person to talk with. A friend to me is someone who is there for me no matter what, does not turn their choke on me, they accept me for who I am, they care about me, I can trust them, we enjoy distributively others company, and we have fun together. Everyone needs a f riend. Friends are like stress relievers, and they foundert judge, they see who we are and nothing else. I believe friendship is not perfect. There are always going to be flaws.According to the inquiryed done in 2000 by Keith Davis, teenage friendships tend to grow hate or jealousy in betwixt one another. This is when problems start to develop such as not being honest with each other. Another problem found in a research done in the 80s was that opposite-sex friendships might not be considered a friendship at all. When a female and male are friends one of them starts to grow feelings, or they both grow feelings. Thats when the friendship turns into something emotional and sexual. It falls into the friends with benefits or the love category.There is a difference in between female and male friendships captured by Paul Wright in 1982. He describes womens friendships as face up to face and mens as side by side. This indicates that women are more likely to choose to fell time just ta lking, when men are more likely to choose doing an activity with their friend. Women tend to be more emotionally close, intimate, and express more nerve for their friends. Women are scientifically proven to seek give and sympathy in their friendship, while men find friends with common interest and whom they trust.I wasnt at ease by the way the internet and the databases defined friendship. So I did my own researched by asking muckle what friendship meant to them. Everyone defined friendship differently, I was surprised by the answers I got. Here are a few Friendship is when someone has trust for someone else. Two people who hold mutual affection for each other, having good communication with each other, and the ability to be one-self, expressing ones feelings, and making mistakes without fear of judgment. Edwin Castro Friendship is a relation between two people where trust is big.They are close like brothers/sisters and have honor for each other. Martha Machuca Someone you can act silly with and trust at the same time. Alejandra Avila There is no such thing as friendship your only friend is your pillow. Melvin Sanchez Friendship is a very hard concept to define, but there are a few things that will always go with it sympathy, compassion, understanding, honesty, and trust. Friendship is not something that grows overnight, it takes time to develop. It is much harder to live if we dont have close friends. We just have to choose wisely who our friends are.Work CitedFriendship Styles. Encyclopedia of Women and Gender Sex Similarities and Differences and the Impact of Society on Gender. Oxford Elsevier Science Technology, 2001. Credo Reference. 14 July 2008. Web. 05 November 2012. Friendship. Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2006. Credo Reference. Web. 05 November 2012.
Monday, April 15, 2019
How the Role of Women Has Changed Essay Example for Free
How the Role of Women Has Changed showHow much has the image of women changed in the last 30 years? Since the introduction of the tabloid on the NHS and the t completelyy grant act we need seen massive changes in how women ar viewed in society. In this essay I go a itinerary be looking at how these wee changed societies views and how they have affected women. I want to enquiry this topic as I believe that there has been great leaps forward in how women be adequate to(p) to merry and how this is at once affecting the rest of the world. I will be analysing some of the recent changes in polices and attitudes that have taken place that have allowed women to become more than productive members in the professional works environment.Over the last 30 years of feminism we have seen women shaking off the stereo typical attitude of females being second class citizens. Women are in a flash able to go into higher cultivation and thus allowing them showing great determinatio n, will power, stamina and courage to apply and take on the role of many high powered jobs that were once entirely seen as a job for males. And now women have greater opportunities than ever before. But they are showing a lower sense off sound being this seems to come as quite a shock as women have managed to liberate impudentlys report selfs from the traditional view.(http//www.dailymail.co.uk) Women have never had so much equity that they have now and we are now seeing female miners ,doctors and dentist which shows that they can get on any angiotensin converting enzyme job that they want. Women are even able to have children some as much devil or three and are still managing to keep up a balance of family and work life.(http//www.dailymail.co.uk)The introduction of the pill has had the biggest social and family impact that has been seen in our time. When it was first introduced the government was non happy about providing it to all women as they did not want to be seen to promote promiscuity so they mainly issued it to older women who already had children and did not want to have any more. But in a controversial move in 1974 see family planning clinics give the pill out to single women which made it a lot easer for theme to steady down if they wanted to have children. It is now estimated that two million women in England and Wales take the pill and 70% of all women have at some stage been prescri make love the pill.( http//www.bbc.co.uk)This was revolutionary for women at the time now they have a greater freedom than ever before. Women could now decide when they got pregnant which means they could go on to higher education and become a career muliebrity not just a fix and house wife.The introduction of the Equal Pay Act 1970 ,now the Equity Act 2010, was supposed to close the interruption on the amount that men got paid compared to women for doing the same job. But recent statistics show that men still earn more in 370 out of 426 job classificat ion than women who earn more in only 53 job classifications. Ruth Sealy, Deputy director of the International Centre for Women Leaders at Cranford University verbalize its appalling how can this be when we have equality laws?(http//www.guardian.co.uk)The government has made a finale to change one of its polices in the Equality Act that would have made companies disclose the per centum of pay differences between men and women by 2013 .Sealy believes that this policy is responsible for the 2 % decline in the pay scuttle between men and women in 2011 and now it is not in place the pay gap may start to increase again.(http//www.guardian.co.uk)Although this dose sound like the Equality Act is not operative as it was intended to there is light at the end of tunnel. Lord Davies independent review into woman on boards has given Britains 100 biggest companies until 2015 to increase the amount of women who sit on boards from 12.5% to 25%. in that respect has already been a marked improv ement since the report has been published the figures have went up by 2.5% to 15% Lord Davies said this is amazing progress. (http//www.telegraph.co.uk)Family life has changed over the last 30 years we are now seeing more women going into work which means that there are now two incomes coming into the family home and people are now living better that they once did. Women are now living like men once did they are going out to work meeting new people and enjoying a social life away from the husband. And it seems that men are staying at home and overhaul more time with the children.(http//www.guardian.co.uk)A recent study carried out by the Equal Opportunities Commission ground that 69% agreed that there lifes are becoming more kindred in rearguards to how much time they can spend between work and family life. Now women are spending more time at work it means that they have to rush home to see the children before bed time or to care for a relative. Due to this change people are beco ming more worried about family life how is it going to turn out if this sexual revaluation is going to cut through we will need to start looking at the policy that are in place for the old and disabled so we can give them more of a say on how they want to live if the availability of family care is going to reduce.(http//www.guardian.co.uk)Women have moved dramatically forward in the last 30 years there have been so many changes in the attitudes of society that have enabled women to feel more empowered about the choices that they can make in their own life. The attitude that people have towards women is farther from the typical attitude that people had in regards what role women should take on as they are no longer expected to be the house wife or the mum. Women are now becoming professionals and are now sitting on the boards of some of the most powerful companies in the world.This is all great moreover how is this affecting the way in which parents bring up families if men and w omen are now living similar lifes how will be able to bring up our family and give the parental prolong to the children if both the parents are out trying to promote there careers. If this is going to continue people will need to start thinking about the future of family life. We will have to find a way in which familys will be able to function at a normal level and still be able to support women to carry on and progress even further. Is it going to be a case some fifty years down the line that the gender revaluation has went so far that the roles of men and women will have completely turned around. Our will the gender revaluation pay a point where both sexes are able to work and provide a healthy family life.http//www.bbc.co.uk/ intelligence operation/uk-15984258(Date accessed 20/03/2012)http//www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1189894/Women-happy-years-ago-.html(Date accessed 25/03/2012)http//www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1189856/M-S-boss-Stuart-Rose-Glass-ceiling-Women-good- workplace.html (Date accessed 02/04/2012)http//www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/mar/08/four-decades-on-equal-pay-yet-to-come (Date accessed 03/04/2012)http//www.guardian.co.uk/society/2005/nov/23/equality.socialcare ( Date accessed 04/04/2012)http//www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/9090327/Lord-Davies-shakes-up-Britains-boardrooms.html (Date accessed 06/04/2012)Richard D. Gross (1994). chance on Studies in Psychology. 2nd ed. London Hodder And Stoughton. 100.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
King Leopold Essay Example for Free
King Leopold Essay1. Between 1880 and 1920, the population of the congo was slash in half some ten million people were victims of murder, starvation, exhaustion, exposure, disease and a plummeting birth rate. why do you think this massive carnage has remained virtually unknown in the United States and Europe?2. Hochschild writes of Joseph Conrad that he was so horrified by the greed and brutality among white men he saw in the Congo that his view of human nature was permanently changed. Judging from Hochschilds account and from Heart of Darkness, in what way was Conrads view changed? How is this true of otherwise individuals about whom Hochschild writes? In what way has this book bear upon your view of human nature?3. The death toll in King Leopolds Congo was on a scale comparable to the Holocaust and Stalins purges. Can Leopold II be viewed as a precursor to the masterminds behind the Nazi death camps and the Gulag? Did these three and other twentieth century mass killings bob up from similar psychological, social, political, economic, and cultural sources?4. Those who plundered the Congo and other parts of Africa (and Asia) did so in the name of progress, civilization, and Christianity. Was this insincere and if so, how? What justifications for colonial imperialism and exploitation encounter been put forward over the past five centuries?5. Morel, Sheppard, Williams, Casement, and others boldly spoke out against the Congo atrocities, often at great danger to themselves. Many others rationalized those same atrocities or tell nothing. How do you account for Leopolds, Stanleys, and others murderous rapaciousness, on the one hand, and Morels, Casements, and others outrage and committed activism, on the other?6. The European conquest and plunder of the Congo and the rest of Africa was brutal, but so was the European settlement of North the States and, long before that, the conquest of most of Europe by the Romans. Hasnt history always proceeded in this way ?7. Hochschild begins his book with what he calls Edmund Morels snap of clean-living recognition on the Antwerp docks. What other flashes of moral recognition does Hochschild identify, and what were their consequences? In what ways may Hochschilds book itself be seen as a flash of moral recognition? What more recent flashes of moral recognition and indignation can you identify?8. Hochschild quotes the Swedish missionary, C. N. Brrisson It is strange that people who claim to be civilized think they can treat their fellow traveller man even though he is of a different color any which way. How may we formulate the disregard of civilized individuals and groups for the humanity and life of others because of skin color, contentity, religion, ethnic background, or other factors? Why do this disregard and resulting cruelties persist?9. What be the similarities between the colonial and imperial aspirations of pre- and early twentieth-century nations and the corporate and market aspir ations of directlys multinational companies? Whether rapacious or beneficent, most actors in the Congo, and in Africa at large, seem to have been motivated principally by profit. In what ways do business objectives continue to shape the policies and actions of national governments and international organizations? 10. Hochschild writes that Leopold found a number of tools at his disposal that had not been available to empire builders of antecedent times. What new technologies and technological advances contributed to Leopolds exploitation of the Congo? What impact have these tools had on both the growth and degradation of colonial or subject peoples?11. The burgeoning hierarchy of imperial rule in the Congo still State was, Hochschild writes, reflected in the plethora of medals and attendant grades and ranks. What were the reasons for this extensive hierarchy and for the bureaucracy it reflected and maintained? Are thither any contemporary parallels? Of what historical examples c an we say that the more heinous the political or political crimes, the larger and more frequently rewarded the bureaucracy?12. How does Hochschild answer his own question, What made it possible for the functionaries in the Congo to so blithely watch the chicotte in action and . . . to deal out pain and death in other ways as well? How would you answer this question, in regard to Leopolds Congo and to other officially sanctioned atrocities?13. Hochschild quotes Roger Casement as insisting to Edmund Morel, I do not agree with you that England and America are the two great humanitarian powers. . . . They are materialistic first and humanitarian only a century after. What rise supports or refutes Casements judgment? Would Casement be justified in making the same statement nowadays?14. After stating that several other mass murders went largely unnoticed, Hochschild asks, why, in England and the United States, was there such a storm of righteous protest about the Congo?
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Reality Shows Essay Example for Free
Reality Shows EssayReality visualizes has grown in popularity for several years and it will never slow down because of the excitement and attention it brings to the viewers. A reality show is ground upon many things that go on in a daily conduct such as romance, drama, friendship, scorn and etc. Being on a reality show may look fun scarcely its a lot of hard work. Reality shows bring a lot of attention and the companies atomic number 18 making a lot of money for it because of the viewers. * Reality shows are magnanimous, lazy and violence tv. They mostly show ordinary people with no special talents doing very stupid things.which doesnt make for good entertainment.They desire on humiliation and conflict to create excitement.the programmes are full of swearing, crying and argument, and often violence, drunkenness and sex. This sends a message to people that this is normal behaviour and helps to create a crude, selfish society. For example, the real world on mtv. * Its a selected group of people who live to subscribeher they portray young adults, espic ally women, as being drunk, wild, crazy, lying, physical violence and desperate for sex, alcohol, and attention. and its sad because many people memorise these shows and thats what the real world is basically active. nix wants for their baby birdern to be watching that on television i know i wouldnt.It is just a bad influence on their mind n it will probbaly effecty on the way the will act. nobody wants they child like that everyone wants the best for them. thats why these kind of shows need to be blocked no longer air break through or have parental controls on the channels. * Another reality show the bad girls club it focuses on seven young women who believes that other women are generally out to get her Jodie, a conservative seat worker who likes to have fun after hours. Ty, a tough talking former hustler. Kerry, where her behavior has a reflect on her country music career adult entertainer. Leslie, spoiled, angry. Ripsi, and Zara, whos known in her small townspeople as the wild child. While living in their Los Angeles house, the women try to become friends while managing with one anothers backstabbing, lying, cheating, and flirting.They all engage in their own brand of bad behavior in order to have fun, get want they want, and roughtimes get even with the other women in the house. * They fight with each other for 60 minutes once a week and has a invalidating effect on society because it makes girls that watch the show think that it is okay to go out and fight with anyone that gets in your way. Just think about the name of the show BAD GIRLS CLUB the all have a bad girl life style. so to me reality televison is full of it and the people that watch it need help to yes it is entertaining but the straits is what are you getting out of it? how is it making your life or childern lives any better? this stuff has alot of negative effect on people.There is nothing perfect in life but its just some things you do and donot do. *Inconclusion, reality television is popular and almost everyone watches it. but the manin question is why? reality television has several flaws and entitles alot of attetion and drama. You will see the the whole concept of these script written shows is beacuse of the money for them not for you so eventaully there is no point and the viewers are helping them and they are not getting anything out of it. These are my reasons, examples and supporting reasons why reality television should be banned.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
National Security Council Essay Example for Free
interior(a) Security Council EssayThe recent trend characterizing the US gage policy is the gradual strengthening of the National Security Council. Under G. Bush cheek this body gained satisfying power and influence. In this paper Im going to investigate the reasons for this trend as sanitary its advantages and disadvantages. In the international practice, National Security Council is oecumenically defined as an executive body organise national security issues.National Security Council consists of the heads of departments involved in diplomacy and defense with a comparatively small number of staff members. The US National Security Council was established in 1947 and substantially amend in 1949 the same year it was placed in the Executive Office of the professorship. The powers and influence of the US NSC has been gradually increasing during the second half of the 20th centuries this trend is evident presently, too.As for the social structure of the council, it is chair ed by the President and encompasses Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the roast Chiefs of Staff as the statutory military advisor to the Council, the Director of Central Intelligence as the intelligence service advisor. The Chief of Staff to the President, Counsel to the President, and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy have a rightfield to be present at any meeting of the Council others can be invited to attend NSC meeting if appropriate.The functions of the NSC argon considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet formalizeds. (National Security Council ordained website, http//www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/) Every President made major or minor change in the powers and functions of the NSC in tramp to adjust it to his own management style. The ultimate goal of th e NSC under Bush administration is to ensure collegiality among antithetic departments coordinating military and diplomatic issues. But the functions of the NSC nowadays are much wider.The expert report that the NSC forthwith conducts ongoing relations with the media, Congress, the American public, and foreign governments. (Daalder Destler, 2000, A New NSC for a New Administration, http//www. brookings. edu/comm/policybriefs/pb68. htm) Even the official sources define the Council as as a means of controlling and managing competing departments and its functioning depended in no small degree upon the interpersonal chemistry betwixt the President and his principal advisers and department heads. (Office of the Historian, Bureau of exoteric Affairs, History of the National Security Council, http//www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/NSChistory. htm) The NSC is refered to as the key foreign policy player in all(prenominal) administration since John F. Kennedys. (Daalder Destler) I strongly deem that the trend of NSC becoming more influential reflects the general trend of Presidential power becoming more authoritative. The fact that Condoleeza Rice rivals Colin Powell in influence is to a certain extent causes to the relations between Condoleeza Rice and the President.Another reason is that she had been an influential public code in academic and political circles before joining the NSC. Karl Inderfurth and Loch Johnson (2004, p. 180) in their book Fateful Decisions inner the National Security Council states that Rice perhaps most closely resembles McGeorge Bundy, of the Kennedy Administration, who was the maiden non-invisible national-security adviser George Bush in the first National Security Presidential directional stated that The NSC shall meet at my direction. (National Security Presidential Directive, 2001, http//www. fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-1. htm) The coercive side of it is that the President can quickly obtain a qualified advice when needed. The pr ejudicious side is that the NSC is an slow tool for controlling and redefining diplomatic and military policy of the county without consulting other major defense bodies.The same Directive states Except for those established by statute, other existing NSC interagency groups, ad hoc bodies, and executive committees are also abolished as of March 1, 2001, unless they are specifically reestablished as subordinate working groups within the new NSC system as of that date. George Bush adjusted the Council to his own needs approximately after a year in the office. This is one and only(a) more important reason why the President relies more on the NSC than on traditional bureaucracy. The structure of the NSC is relatively transparent and blank it includes a limited number of members, although it has grown in size lately and resembles a governmental agency rather than an advisory committee. I would like to elaborate on another(prenominal) factor that contributes to the situation with the N SC.After the tragic events of 9/11 George Bush established the Office of homeland Security under the governance of Tom Ridge, the Presidents close friend. The functions of the NSC and the OHS often overlap the casualty of the NSC becoming hegemonic in the sphere of homeland security decreased. Still, its role in the national security is spartan to overestimate. Daalder Destler (2000) propose a clear list of reasons why the NSC evolved in the key agent in demurral and foreign policy.They state that it was caused by the half-century development and legitimization of the NSC as presidential coordinator for mainstream national security issuesandthe post-cold war refinement of the foreign policy agenda, with more issues that require coordination across more agenciesandthe deepening of partisanship in Washington, especially over the last decade. Its hard to give a solely positive or negative evaluation of this trend. From one angle, the NSC is flexible and is able to react rapidly to any security threat.It may bet rational to grant excessive powers to the NSC. There would be no need to employ the bureaucratic mold of numerous agencies dealing with diplomacy, military aspects and homeland security. The NSC should be organized in such a demeanor so that the president can make clear foreign policy choices in a incidentally manner. (Daalder Destler ) Daalder Destler study emphasises that the NSC major task is integrating the US foreign and defence policy, and its of high splendour in the era of global terrorism.From another angle, the NSC is powered by the President, and there exists much space for manipulation. Recently, the NSC doesnt manage efficiently with coordinating the national security bodies. For instance, some tension exists in relations between the NSC and the agencies like CIA. Now let me proceed with drawing the final conclusion of the paper. There exists a clear trend of the National Security Council becoming more influential and powerful u nder the George Bush administration this happens for compelling reasons.The positive or negative evaluation of his trend largely depends on the degree of capacity of the NSC organization and functioning.References 1. The White House, National Security Council http//www. whitehouse. gov/nsc/ Last accessed 15 Oct 2004 2. Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, unify States Department of State, History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997 http//www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/NSChistory. htm Last accessed 15 Oct 2004 3.National Security Presidential Directive, February 13, 2001 http//www. fas. org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-1. htm Last accessed 15 Oct 2004 4.The Brookings Institution, Foreign Policy Studies, Daalder, I. H. , Destler, I. M. , A New NSC for a New Administration, Nov 2000 http//www. brookings. edu/comm/policybriefs/pb68. htm Last accessed 15 Oct 2004 5. Inderfurth, K. F. , Johnson, L. K. 2004. Fateful Decisions Inside the National Security Council. Oxford Univers ity Press.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Factors to Determine Ethical Behavior Essay Example for Free
Factors to Determine good Behavior EssayScott I couldnt agree more. And nowhere is this more evident than in collective America. We see ethics at command all the date, with Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme, the Enron s burndal, Exxon, BP, and many, many more examples. Ethical look shag denounce or break a go with. Diane Sure, I remember commonwealth passing up Exxon displace after the Valdez accident several years ago same with the BP oil spill. Boycotts against companies happen all the time if they forget they view to be good corporate citizens, in addition to turning a profit. Scott I think the issue here, in a discussion of ethics though, is what determines honest and unethical behavior. Can we shake off people any kind of a framework that ability help to easily determine what is seen as correct behavior and what needs changing in a corporate setting? Diane Of course And musical composition none of these ideas be foolproof, in general, they cover the majorit y of signs or problems to look out for and be assured of. You exact to look at the single employees stage of incorrupt development, their individual characteristics, the construction of the company, the company culture and then look at how big the issue itself really is.Scott Well, Im concerned in a few concepts that Ive never really ascertaind of before. Talk to us a little near the stages of moral development.Diane Gladly. There argon three levels inherent in moral development. You have the pre-conventional level, which cans with consequences from the outside dictating moral behavior Scott So, an example might be my grandfather, whoalways talked to the highest degree the nuns who taught at his Catholic school breaking out the rulers. That would be pre-conventional, right? Diane Exactly. Its all about how outside punishment or reward affects the choices people make between what is right and what is wrong.Scott So, if thats pre-conventional, Im forebode that the second lev el is conventional, then. People just living up to the standards of society what other people conceive for the most part is right and wrong. Diane That is it exactly, and that leads to the third level, which is the principled level. This is beyond responding to an outside stimulus or to our avow nonions of what others believe is right and wrong. At the principled level, people now look inside themselves and make a determination removed from all those other factors affecting what they believe is right or wrong behavior. Scott Well, that does make a lot of sense. So then, what atomic number 18 the individual characteristics that mint have an influence on moral behavior?Diane Values and personality are the two things that govern these individual characteristics. A persons individual values begin developing during childhood and continue to develop through experiences, discussions with other people and interactions with family, friends, teachers, religious figures, and others. A pe rsons value system is very broad and includes many polar areas. Personality deals more with two specific ideas, that of ego strength and locus of control.Scott Sure, ego strength influences a persons convictions. If you have a high degree of ego strength, then moral convictions leave alone be easier to hold. Locus of control isnt a concept Im too long-familiar with though.Diane A persons locus of control has to do with fate. Some people believe they have a lot of control in their lives, while others believe that things are left to the wind. Those who have an congenital locus of control believe they are in control, while those who have an external locus are more apt to believe that things lead happen to them because of fate or luck or spotless happenstance. Scott So I know weve talked before about how a company is structured whether or non it is centralized or decentralized. That plays a significant role as well, correct? Diane It does, very much so. The more hands touch almo stthing, the less similarly it is that any strict controls put in place will stick. The less people you have managing a process, the more tightly the controls can be monitored. This of course would be inaccurate if you had, say, one person managing everything who was inherently unethical. Then there would be nobody to call them to account.The structure of a company is a significant factor in the ethical behavior put into practice. Scott The ethical behavior of individuals is fascinating and all, plainly what about the ethical behavior of organizational culture? Some companies hike transparency and ethical behavior at all times. They have realized that openness and honesty are good for the bottom line in the long run and ensure a strong karyon brand. Other companies may not overtly tell people to act unethically, but have individual bad actors inside the quite a little who might encourage people to do things they shouldnt. Diane Exactly. And we all know examples of this. We hear about chemical companies dumping dangerous waste that contaminates ground water, about cigarette companies lying about how dangerous and addictive their product is, or about banks and the robo-signing scandal during the last recession.All of these activities, while not necessarily condoned by everyone across the enterprise, were OKd by certain people within the corporation and seriously damaged the brands involved. Scott And of course, this is where issue intensity is heavy, because while we dont like to admit it, some unethical behaviors are worse or more impactful than others. While all unethical behavior should be avoided, dumping toxic chemicals into water that could kill thousands of people could arguably be seen as worse than, say, an employee who is skim a few dollars here and there from a company. Both are bad, wrong, and can cause harm, but the characteristicsthat determine issue intensity show us that there are indeed levels of unethical behavior, and they can determine the likelihood of this kind of behavior occurring in the future.Diane And these characteristics greatness of harm, consensus of wrong, probability of harm, immediacy of consequences, proximity to the victim, and parsimoniousness of effect all play a role in determining when and why something unethical might occur. The less these factors play a role, the more likely for fraud or other unethical behavior to occur. If the victim isnt seen, if the consequences are far in the future, or if the behavior only affects one person, the adventure for unethical behavior is likely to see a jump.Scott And to talk more about this, wed like to welcome to the show Scott Hyder, attorney at law. Diane Hello Scott welcome to our show. Let me ask you, how does ethics play a part with respect to certain professions that require licensing to do business? Scott Hyder Well, its incredibly important particularly in very regulated businesses such as businesses where you need a license. Im an attorney and so every attorney has to follow a certain set of ethics guidelines disregarding of the state that youre in. Every state has passed very detailed ethical rules that are approved by the states Supreme Court and its not a matter of if, or a matter of choice, or just a matter of morals when following the ethical rules. Its a matter about whether your license will be revoked if you dont and many times youre violating ethical rules unintentionally its usually NOT an intentionalthing.It goes anywhere from disclosing client confidences to wrongful accounting practices, even if they are innocent mistakes. So, we really have to be careful as lawyers because if we dont comply with these rules, all it takes is one clients bar guardianship to open up the flush gates. A client could complain about poor service from a lawyer, file a complaint with the state bar who regulates all lawyers but, by the end of the day, even if the clients complaint about the service of the lawyer is frivolous, the attorney could be sanctioned for other unrelated things that become apparent as a result of the investigation.Its very common, for example, for a complaint to be filed but ultimate charges are implemented that have to do with wrongful accounting practices, competence issues and if that kind of thing happens, your license can be suspended and if its very egregious, it can be revoked. Scott Very interesting discussion, Scott, thank you so much for all your time. Diane And thank you all of you listening. Weve appreciated your time and hope that youve gained a great deal from this content.Scott Until next time
Monday, April 8, 2019
Hamletââ¬â¢s Values Prevail Essay Example for Free
settlements Values Prevail EssayMark Twain once stated, It is curious curious that physical braveness should be so common in the human beings, and moral courage so rare. The zealous struggles between internal and external gratification and somatic and ethical honour aim incontrovertibly led to mans continual battle for integrity pride versus ethics. Religious teachings communicate that hotshot show respect to wholly and utilize the power of oration to convey ideologies yet ghostly crusades project instigated the bloodiest and most deadly battles in human history. Mans oecumenic and timeless foreland asks whether it is ethical to defend ones honour through brutality or if the use of oral communication and moral lessons are sufficient to de springyr the message. Analogously, William Shakespeares The Tragedy of settlement bequeaths enlightenment to its audience of the universal beauties and faults of mankind on the comprehensive debate of integrity.The tragic hero, Prince sm each(prenominal) town of Denmark, vies to comprehend his uncomfortably altered environment, bandage he relentlessly endeavors to seek morality, logic, and reason in a world where depravation and greed autonomously tell action. His mothers precipitous remarriage, the tormenting death of his father, and the forsakenness settlement feels from those he held close lead him to render epiphanic cognizance. Shakespeares use of soliloquys bestows unto the audience a voyeuristic lieu into small towns personal meditations, highlighting villages introspective state. Though his vulnerability and pathos at times render him ineffectual and indecisive, it is stringently reflective of his human being and that is what entices him to the audience. crossroads is in an internal battle with the imperfections of the world around him.In the hypocritical nation of Denmark, Hamlet is thrust into witnessing indecencies, both externally and in his own home thus Hamlets lack of action is conj ured non by feebleness of character. It is the moral contradictions and duplicity in the world before him that hinder his actions he operates therefore with ethics, prudence, and wisdom. Heroic valor sets Hamlet apart from the supplementary brilliance in Denmark. After the enigmatic death of the erstwhile King Hamlet Senior, goes unquestioned, Hamlets ethical motive compel him to seek answers. Before Hamlet can pursue the truth he must so far come to terms with his mother Gertrudes remarriage to his fathers brother, Claudius. Disappointment in his mother and wo for his father, lead Hamlet to his first soliloquy, wherein he describes the consequences of suicide and his mothers immorality. Even in his melancholia Hamlet understand the magnitudes of self-slaughter, as the Everlasting has fixed / his canon gainst it (1.2.135-136).His ability to look past the superficial pass(a) benefits of iniquitous actions helps Hamlet to stay firm in his beliefs throughout his journey. Though di smayed as to how unpleasant-smelling in the state of Denmark it is, Hamlet expresses his emotions by reacting to his surroundings in a gallant manner (1.4.90). Upon see the ghost of the late King, Hamlet is incensed by the horrific crime his uncle-father has committed (2.2.399). However, Hamlet does not immediately take the words of the ghost as factual in his second soliloquy he concludes the spirit that he has seen / may be a devil and that he cannot trust him without evidence (2.2.627-628). Hamlet decides the hunt downs the thing / wherein he will catch the conscience of the king (2.2.633-634). Hamlet realizes the depravity of slaughtering a man establish on the conjecture that he is a murderer. He refuses to place such marginal worth on an individual brio as to take it without knowing the truth.In the most famous soliloquy of all the Shakespearean plays, Hamlet debates the value of life and the consequences of death Hamlet asks to be or not to be (3.1.64). Realizing that dea th is a misleading and temporary fix, as one knows not of what lies here later on possibilities of eternal deplor fitted from the pangs of despised love and lifes unanswered questions Hamlet concludes conscience does make cowards of us all and with over analysis action is lost (3.1.74-96). Though the ghosts words attest to be true as the players reenact the murder of the late King Hamlet in The Mousetrap, Hamlet waits to persist his plan. Morality often stifles ones acceptance and trust in others. As his family has forsaken him, his childhood friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern abide by with the will of the king to remove him, and those living within the walls of Elsinore Castle perceive him to be insane, Hamlet has provided one true confidant Horatio.Hamlets most enlightening epiphanic moment comes as he prepares for the concern against Laertes he finally untangles the webs of deceit which have been clouding his moral judgment. He responds to Horatios reside for the battl es conclusion by telling him, not a whit, we defy augury he further explains, man does not control fate if it is meant to happen, it will (5.2.231-238). Hamlet has hitherto looked at life like a slow moving game of chess, evaluating each move he makes by measure the consequences of the subsequent moves he now understands he must leave his fate in the hands of providence. Hamlets dawdling journey comes to a rapid close in the final act of the play. During the match against Laertes Hamlet is made witness first hand to his uncle-fathers crimes Claudius accidentally murders both Gertrude, with the wine he had poisoned for Hamlet, and Laertes, by the poisoned sword intended for Hamlet.Hamlet no longer stands idly by whilst the injustices of Claudius tear his rude down. Though he too is poisoned by Laertes blade, Hamlet fights for the justice of Denmark and slays Claudius once and for all. The tragic resolution leaves a bloodstained Denmark distraught and uncertain, yet the heroic lega cy of Hamlets valor and morality live on. Horatio recounts Hamlets tragic tale as Fortinbras of Norway captures Denmark. Hamlet is buried like a soldier to a stage, / for he was likely, had he been put on, / to have proved the most royal (5.2.442-444). Though Hamlet never wishes to be king, his pure humanity and strong morals prove to manifest his capabilities, even after death. It is integral for any actor playing the role of Hamlet to be well versed in the characteristics of his Hamlet predecessors, and to embrace their qualities while learning from their frailties.Whether on stage or on film, Hamlet is one of the most challenging roles for any actor to play. Two contemporary silver screen adaptations of Hamlet by Kenneth Branagh and Franco Zeffirelli portray the young Prince as a grieving individual vying to keep his virtue as corruption ensues. Branagh presents Hamlets famous To be or not to be soliloquy as the cinematic essence of the unraveling of Hamlets layers. Hamlet questi ons the meaning of right and wrong, while searching for his own consumption within the mirrors. Unfortunately for Hamlet, the mirrors neither hold truths nor divulge answers, thus he is left feeling a forsaken sense of betrayal. Branaghs acting and directing are impressive in this scene, his emotions depict Hamlets internal conflict he attempts to keep hold of his morals in a world vacuum cleaner of any such ethics. Zeffirellis interpretation of Hamlets renowned To be or not to be soliloquy captures a darker side the tragic hero.Though Mel Gibsons superb acting highlights Hamlets emotional conflict of where he morally stands, the distrait directorial choice to locate the scene in the family crypt conveys too nefarious a mood and is conf victimisation to the audience. Zeffirellis redemption comes in a brilliant form his interpretation of Hamlet and Horatios conversation in the plays final act. Zeffirelli shows an elegant understanding of the plays overall purpose. He depicts Ham lets epiphany as a monologue rather than the end of a discourse between friends. By omitting Horatio from the latter portion of this scene, the audience is able to see Hamlets shift in perspective develop on its own.Hamlet overlooks the marine and its horizon as he decides let his fate rest in the ebb and flow of life. Contradictorily, Branagh, using Shakespeares original context, does not enhance the attestors perception of Hamlets conflict. or else Branagh chooses to show the intimate relationship between Hamlet and Horatio. Kenneth Branaghs brand of symbolism in Hamlet delves into the true meaning beneath the pages of Shakespeares written word. He surpasses the usual film adaptations of a drama, which cheat on to provoke the imagination. He probes the audience with strong symbolism forcing thought, questioning, and imagination beyond the physical. Franco Zeffirelli, dissimilarity attempts to engage the viewer by shortening the scenes and speeches apropos to the common Hollyw ood adaptation.While the pace may be much exciting, it loses in cinematic depth. A great production of Hamlet incorporates the strife between the external forces clout man from his values and learned morals. Hamlet should be portrayed by his struggle to protect his humanity while those he cares for try to strip the essence of morality from him. As Hamlet traverses grief, the actor should have the emotional depth to connect with the viewer, and versatility to surpass the realm of pure poignancy to enter profundity.Hamlets instructions to the players should be heeded by any director let your own / discretion be your tutor. go the action to the / word, the word to the action, with the special / observance, that you overstep not the modesty of / nature (3.2.17-21). Plays should convey a universal struggle of man and act as a window to the natural world, where the audience members are permitted to view the intimacies of a society contrasting their own to this rule, Hamlet is no excep tion.Works CitedHamlet. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Perf. Mel Gibson, Glenn Close, and Alan Bates. DVD. Hamlet. Dir. Kenneth Branaugh. Perf. Kenneth Branaugh, Julie Christie, and Derek Jacobi. DVD. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Barbara A. Mowat. Simon Schuster, 2003. Print.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Marijuana as a Social Problem Essay Example for Free
Marijuana as a Social Problem EssayIntroductionMarijuana is a green, brown, or gray compartmentalisation of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the marihuana graft. You may hear marihuana called by street names such as pot, herb, weed, grass, boom, Mary Jane, gangster, or chronic. There are more than 200 slang terms for cannabis. All forms of marijuana are mind-altering. In other words, they change how the brain works. They all contain THC (delta-9-tetrahydro derrierenabinol), the main dynamical chemical in marijuana. They also contain more than 400 other chemicals. Marijuanas effects on the substance abuser depend on the strength or potency of the THC it contains. The potency of marijuana has increased since the mid-seventies but has been ab pop out the same since the mid-1980s.Marijuana inherits its name from Mexico, although it has a past steeped with global tradition. Long sooner its U.S. debut, marijuana was widely used, and popular among, some of th e worlds earliest civilizations. History documents show that the fiber-rich marijuana jell was used to produce rope and woven fabrics around 7000 B.C. in Central and South Asia. Additionally, it was write in Chinese manuscripts dating back to 2700 B.C. and ancient Indian scriptures have attributed medicinal properties to it. After universe used by half of the world for nearly 8,000 years, marijuana traditionally reached North the States with Christopher capital of Ohio in 1492 A.D.Initially, cannabis was only used to make industrial goods its recreational use in America didnt become popular until the early 20th century. It wasnt until then that the misunderstandings about cannabis rattling began to popup. The recreational use of marijuana soon became considered as harmful as cocaine or heroin. However, it has never led to a single case of human death from overdose in its entire history. This is a sharp contrast to the heavy mortality rate of its supposed counterparts. Nonethele ss, the use and cultivation of the cannabis rig was made illegal at the hands of many capable antidrug advocates.Domestic doing of the marijuana plant was encouraged in various parts of America during the 17th century. The cannabis sativa plant, whose dried flower extracts can form potent recreational marijuana, was in great demand because of its long fibers which could be used for the production of clothing, ropes, and sails. In fact, The Assembly of Jamestown Colony, Virginia, passed legislation in 1619 making it compulsory for every farmer to grow the Indian hempseed ironically Americas first marijuana police force. Other colonial states ilk Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania allowed hemp to be exchanged as legal tender and could even be used to pay taxes. The plant was an essential requirement during war times and farmers would be jailed if they were not able to produce large hemp. Men who Americans hold in great reverence grew and encouraged the growth of hemp. George W ashington grew hemp as his primary crop in the late 18th century for fiber production at wear Vernon.Thomas Jefferson grew the plant as a secondary crop at Monticello and urged farmers to grow hemp in place of tobacco due to its many useful qualities. Even Benjamin Franklin used cannabis as the raw material to start one of Americas pioneering paper mills. By the mid-19th century, marijuanas medicinal properties were recognized in North America and it was used as a popular grammatical constituent in many medicinal products. The United States Pharmacopeia had marijuana on its list of pharmaceuticals from 1850 until 1942, and many companies like Brothers Smith, Eli Lilly, Parke-Davis, and Tildens produced a cannabis extract, which Sir William Osler, the father of modern medicine, pronounced as the best treatment for migraines.Marijuana was plus for various pain-relieving and mood-altering conditions such as nausea, labor pains, and rheumatism. A score of medical papers were publishe d in this era flaunting the curing abilities of cannabis, and even the personal physician of Queen Victoria, Sir John Russell Reynolds, announced cannabis as having amazing powers to treat painful maladies. It was sold openly and was easily available in public pharmacies. However, during this time, marijuana was also starting to be used more often as an intoxicant. The recreational use of marijuana started on a small scale in the late 19th century in the northeasterly United States with the opening of many Turkish smoke parlors.It was also during this time that about two to fiver percent of Americas population had unknowingly become addicted to morphine as closely over-the-counter medicines contained levels of the substance. Among the addicts were soldiers, businessmen, housewives, and children. In response, the American government passed the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906 and create the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in part to help counter and control the addiction situati on. The law, though not targeting marijuana specifically, also required cannabis -based medications to have its contents mentioned on the label.TThe Spanish-American War, and the subsequent Mexican revolution of 1910, also influenced the marijuana scene in America. During the post-revolution years there was a great influx of Mexican-Americans who mostly show work on large farms in American fields. These immigrants cultivated marijuana, which they brought with them from Mexico, and indulged in its smoking for recreational purposes. Strong prejudice against the immigrants caused many to view the plant as an addictive and violence-inducing drug that created criminals, murderers, and delinquents. not until the 1930s, when the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and its director, Harry J. Anslinger, began drafting a bill to tax marijuana did an all out smear campaign begin, which eventually led to its national ban. State regulation of cannabis started in mommy in 1911 and in New York and Maine by 1914.California passed the first state marijuana prohibition law in 1913, outlawing the preparations of hemp or locoweed, which was more a prejudiced controlling measure over the Mexican immigrant population than a controlling measure over the marijuana itself. More states came up with laws that banned marijuana, including Wyoming in 1915, Texas in 1919, and Nebraska in 1927. The states of Iowa, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Arkansas took this step in 1923.Marijuana was prohibited by 29 states by 1931 due largely to the poor socio-economic conditions during The Great Depression. With unemployment at its peak, many Americans found they competing against Mexican immigrants for jobs in the fields. Consequently, Mexican workers and their associated drug marijuana became easy targets for attack. By this time, marijuanas shoddy reputation began to overshadow its historic medicinal and industrial applications.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Purple color Essay Example for Free
Purple color demonstratePurple color of tetraphenylcyclopentadienone was isolated by aldol condensation between dibenzylketone and benzil. Water was also produced, tho it was avoidd by polar protic solvent, triethylene, and heat. Thus, the assortment was heated until the temperature of the mixture reached to 100 ? C so as to eliminate the water present and also to increase the rate of chemical reaction due to increase in entropy. Benzyltrimethylamonium hydrated oxide was used as a base throttle.Since catalyst increases the reaction rate much faster at higher temperature, it was added to the mixture at 100 ? C. Once the catalyst was added to the mixture, it turned to dark muddy exchangeable and the temperature went up to 120 ? C. Dark purple, muddy like mixture indicated the completion of the reaction. Increase in the temperature indicated that the reaction was exothermic reaction. The completion of the reaction was also confirmed by the color of the filtrate.Methanol sw ear out the impurities and the catalyst on the filter and thus color of the filtrate changed from brown to purple. The produce, tetraphenylcyclopentadienone, was purple even though the 2 reagents benzil and dibenzylketone were yellow and colorless respectively. Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone has extended conjugation between five carbon rings and four phenyl groups that increase stability and thereby lowers overall energy of the molecule. Thus, it absorbs light at lower energy and longer wavelength that is in visible spectrum.Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used to test purity of the product, i. e. , tetraphenylcyclopentadienone. Only one spot in the product lane in the TLC plate was observed under UV light which indicated that the product was relatively pure. The percentage of recovery was 76%. Some of the product was possibly lost when the mixture was heated. The mixture was heated quickly, so some of undesired product was also formed. Also, some of the product was possibly was hed by methanol because solubility is not absolute.
Samsung Essay Example for Free
Samsung EssaySamsungs competency strategies have recently turned into aggressive chasing by responding quickly to Apple launches. The Apple vs. Samsung ruling stupefy an exclamation mark to Samsungs values of Corporate Social Responsibility towards its stakeholder. Within Samsung where some designers feel the overlooked and undermined, there are calls for a change of lack (Kim, 2012).Samsung designer who didnt want to spread abroad his identity quoted, Designers have a lot of unique and creative ideas, only when these have to be love by the top decision makers. The problem was because they were so fascinated by Apple design these ideas werent really satisfactory to please the top leave (Kim, 2012). Samsung executives that refer the issue as crises of design await to move on nationally.The decision making at Samsung appears to be quick, responsive to the demands of market place, flexible and meeting the inevitably of the hour. Samsungs mobile chief Shin is optimistic about the future of the company as he guaranteed toproffer extra-ordinary, innovating, and unique products in future at Europes biggestLOCAL AND BUSINESS dodgingLocal Samsung Electronics Bldg., 1320-10 Seocho-2-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul 137-857 South KoreaBusiness StrategySamsung invokes to more markets by providing a plethora of gadgets much(prenominal) as cell phones, smartphones, t fitts, etc. to both low and high-end markets meaning at least one of their products will, presumably, appeal to a person. Samsung has done well in the low-end market, but has only recently begun increasing its presence in the smartphone market and has enjoyed a good amount of success thus far as a result. Samsung is not only the biggest adopter of Googles Android software, but they also have smartphones running the Windows Phone OS as well. Samsungs flood the market strategy works so well because they are able to not only diversify their hardware, but the software that runs on their smartphones as well. Sams ungs flood the market strategy works so well because they are able to not only diversify their hardware, but the software that runs on their smartphones as well.Working at Samsung has been a truly global experience and horrifying learning opportunity, from professional and personal Strandpoint (Lindsey Hamilton, 2013)I am able to develop a much deeper arrest of the daily operations that fuels the success of the company after transition to a line management (Chelon Ha, 2013) non only are we one of the worlds leading technology companies, with a commitment to revolution and growth but we also provide many opportunities for professional development around international line of work and working across cultures (David Steel, 2013)
Friday, April 5, 2019
Reviewing The Culture Of Homelessness In America Cultural Studies Essay
Reviewing The Culture Of Homelessness In America Cultural Studies EssayThe roofless enculturation of enounce in America has reached epic proportions due to the massward spiral of the economy, mental affection and lack of affordable housing. I chose the dispossessed finale of people for research and field observation to attend off for the first duration-hand how this socialization of people effectually live and survive under such horrific conditions. I wanted to regulate a first hand perspective on the reasons these people be stateless, what they do to survive on the streets and what, if eitherthing, that they think their futures may hold.Yes, the experience was painful to me, n invariablytheless it was, I believe a valuable experience. I set the situation of the stateless to be some(prenominal) shocking and sad. The living conditions of this culture of people was deplorable. To cope with these facial expressionings I always tried to look for the cloud with the silver lining. Dealing with culture shock was difficult, but I kept an open mind, remained flexible and didnt spend excess energy on the things that were beyond my control.I utilise cultural relativism in this field observation, as I accepted this culture of peoples values and beliefs and did not judge them based on my own values and beliefs. (Miller, Barbara D.) I also utilized participation observation methods for gathering research data in the field. Prior to embarking on this field study, I researched and compiled a list of free services that one(a) preempt obtain if they ar in a nationalless capacity, to give to the roofless culture, in the form of flyers.Robert Reosenheck conducted the very first study which observed rooflessness as a real national paragon in our society. This study could quite possibly be the first study of its kind to come close to the real extent of this phenomenon in this culture of people. The major findings in the unsettled person study reveale d that 744,000 United States citizens experienced homeless personness between 1985 1990. To twenty-four hour period these numbers atomic number 18 at an dumfounding 1.6 million and rising.The homeless in America pose a very serious health panic to society. Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases such as HIV infection, AIDs and Hepatitis Type B are rampant in the homeless culture.A new finding in Rosenhecks research , was the study contend the insight that homelessness is confined in its reach. Homelessness appears to be no greater among one ply than another. Previous studies of this personality were typically conducted in larger cities, however Rosenhecks study was observed from the nation as a hale. We harbor learned from this study that homelessness may be of a oftentimes greater magnitude than was first thought. arresting action is needed especially in the areas of health fear, housing, as well as educational and exercise opportunities. If something is not done sooner rather than later, the health and welfare of our nation is at great risk. ( Rosenheck, R.)t germinateher has been a sharp rise from the stereotypical transient homeless staminate (hobo) to homeless families in the quondam(prenominal) 15 years and is the fast-flyingest growing component in the population of the homeless culture. The typical homeless family in our society today consists of a single mother, with an average of 3 children, with the eldest child macrocosm around 5 years of age. Most of these families are not new to homelessness and most guide neer rented or owned a home, instead living with family or friends.The undereducated and unemployed make up the vast majority of homeless people. Most mictu govern worked at some point in their life, but there are many that necessitate never worked. 59% of the homeless receive some pillow slip of public assistance ( TANF, WIC and etc. for their children. 49% of the homeless in our nation terra firmad that they becam e so, due to cuts in public assistance. Appallinglymany of our homeless are United States old stagers of foreign wars. The causation of homelessness is complex in nature and varies widely from area to area. (Nunez, R. Fox, Cybelle).I spent the weekends of July 2010 observing and interacting with the homeless in Dallas, Texas. Dallas is the third largest city in the state with a population of 1.3 million people. Over 8,000 of this population is homeless. (USA Today)I encountered three distinct types of homeless people on the streets of Dallas. The first type was those who were homeless due to the loss of a mull in the represent of the tough economic times that we are take ining, or a devastating illness that wiped them start financially. I also encountered a lot of homeless individuals and families that are refugees from hurri stinkeres Katrina and Ike.The second type of homeless people was those that father been in and out of homelessness for years. Most of these homeless pe ople are runaways, high school drop outs, teenage mothers, a pecked wives and the chronic alcohol and drug abusers.The final type of homeless people that I encountered are those with varying degrees of mental illness, the aged(a) and the infirm. Most of these people need some level of supervision in their daily lives, and even institutionalized in some cases, either in a nursing care facility or psychiatric facility.On July 10, 2010, I similarlyk a step into a world that was exclusively new to me and that I could only have imagined. I believed that I was prepared for what I would see, but in actuality I was not. I met many homeless people, with varying circumstances and stories to relate, but due to space and time allotments, I have prepared a condensed version of my field study. Upon entering the new and potentially irrelevant environment, my first thought was, Can I do this? and my second thought was, If these poor people can live this way everyday of their lives, then yes, I can and I depart. Culture shock hit intemperately but I managed to rally and go forth with my field study. The temperature in Dallas ,Texas was forecast to be 101 degrees with a heat index of 108 degrees. It was 530 in the morning and the first family that I encountered was in the process of rolling up their sleeping bags, having slept in a local store front. I introduced myself and explained that I was conducting a field observation for my Cultural Anthropology final research paper. John, a tweed male aged 42, (last name withheld by request) Personal question, 10 July 2010 , replied You about scared me to death, I was thinking you were a cop or something Sleeping in a public place is a criminal act in Dallas, Texas. The homeless are accustomed to world roused by city workers, police and etc. abhor filled words and actions are used toward the homeless to accomplish this task.John, continued to tell me about a homeless man named Lester, who had just recently been ousted from a store front. Lester was treated inhumanely by a member of a city work party, who roused him from sleep with a vicious kick to the ribs. Adding insult to injury, the work crew then destroyed all his belongings. John relate that Lester told him later that he was homeless but he was nevertheless a human being and a member of society.John and his family (consisting of a wife and both children aged 9 and 11 have been living on the streets of Dallas since hurricane Katrina in 2005.They were from New Orleans and mixed-up their home and all their belongings. John stated, I didnt even have a job to go guts to. We had nothing man. John and his family use McDonalds and other nearby facilities of its type for hygienic purposes. They spend their days in a public park. In inclement weather they stay in an abandoned building. They consume one meal a day at a local soup kitchen and dumpster dive at fast food restaurants for other meals and snacks. Johns wife (name undisclosed) stated tha t the restaurants wouldnt even give them water without coin. She further stated that when it rained they composed rain water to drink.John also related the fact that many fast food businesses have stopped the homeless from using the restrooms in fast food establishments by erecting signs on the door, For Customers Only. If the homeless go into these restrooms, they take a chance of getting arrested, on the other hand if they void or defecate in public they stand the same chance of going to jail. Its a catch-22 situation.The next homeless person that I interviewed was Fredrick (last name withheld by request) ,personal INTERVIEW 10, July, 2010. Fredrick is a 50 year old Caucasian male who contracted bone cancer and lost his right leg in 1995. He stated that he has been homeless since 1995. As he became progressively ill he subsequently lost his job and his home. John stated that he only had 10 years left to pay on his home when he became ill, but the chemotherapy, and amputation wip ed him out financially forcing his family and himself into the streets. John said, Sure I receive $ 700 a month in disability payments, but you cant even rent an apartment here for that. Fredrick went on to state that at the time they were forced into homelessness, his family consisted of a wife and four children aged 4-10. They immediately contacted a homeless shelter for assistance. The homeless shelter was going to separate the family due to a lack of room for the whole family. In order to keep their family intact, they deigned to sleep in the streets.During my observation of the homeless culture I tell that many of the homeless flew cardboard or placards asking for a job or money for food. This is hot on private property, which puts the homeless person in danger , because they are forced to stand in dangerous intersections ,to prevent getting arrested for this violation. I also noted that several homeless people were compete guitars, performing magic tricks and etc. for wha t they refer to as tipping money.As night approached more and more homeless people appeared on the streets. I observed that this culture had several modes of sleeping. Many simply unrolled sleeping bags or threw down blankets or old rags to sleep on. These people slept in store fronts at night. Most of the homeless were single, however there were several families observed in the area of my observation. Some of the homeless slept inside dumpsters. I encountered that most of these people would talk to you at night, but refused to give even their first names, or any personal information related to their being homeless. I surmised that this occurrence was most likely the result that the homeless didnt believe that I was really a college student, but instead some type of local authority.I spoke with one gentleman (name and age withheld) who related to me that he had previously slept in the local bus station, sitting in a chair, but sleeping ( even for people waiting for a bus) was no lon ger allowed. He further stated that this was to prevent the homeless culture from spending time in the bus station utilizing the climate controlled environment.This culture of people, (the homeless) are unique. These people have had their lifestyle radically changed and have found a way ) albeit terrible) to survive. Some of the homeless that I met have paying jobs, but the requital they receive are not conducive to providing shelter and other nec cessities. Most of these people are seen as unsuitable for employment due to their way of life. Many of these people commit minor crimes purposely to get sent to jail for the procurement of food and shelter, especially in extremely cold or hot weather. Many of the homeless do not have appropriate identification and cannot have plan of attack to social services such as food stamps, food pantries or even emergency shelters. (Shewmaker, H. Wajda, S.)The homeless are also at an increased risk of both violence and abuse. Homeless people con form to a vast amount of hate crimes from people who blame them for their circumstances that they are in, and group them as people to both fear and loathe.I spoke to a man named Carl, (last name withheld upon request) personal INTERVIEW 17, July, 2010. Carl is a 60 year old African American male who related his story to me of being hit in the face with an unopened can of Alpo. The can of dog food was thrown from the protective cover of a car passing by, as he was standing at the entrance to a shop center flying cardboard which said, I will work for food. Carl lost two teeth and authentic a busted lip from that incident, and was called a worthless bottom feeder, by the occupants of the car as it sped away. Carl still has the scar and the missing teeth to verify his story. Panhandling is just one of many identifiable targets for hate among the homeless culture of people. (Wachtolz, Sandra) dulcify, ( last name withheld upon request) is a 16 year old Asian/ American, who has been li ving on the streets of Dallas for two years. She was abused by her stepfather at home until she couldnt take it anymore. She freely admitted to selling sex as a means of survival. Sitting inside a make shift, card board box shelter, Candy still has hopes and dreams of becoming a veterinarian somedayArlene, (last name withheld upon request) Personal INTERVIEW 18, July 2010 is a 35 year old Caucasian female. Arlene is another victim of abuse, (in her case) at the hands of an abusive alcoholic husband. With no where to go, no education, no job and no income she became a street person nine years ago. Arlene related to me that on the streets was the arcticst place she had ever been. Having been abused as a child, she continued to be abused as a young wife. She shamefully admitted to aborting herself with a knitting needle, shortly after becoming homeless. She stated that she well-nigh died from the self inflicted abortion, but she was glad that she didnt bring an innocent life into this mess.Ernest, (last name withheld upon request) Personal INTERVIEW 18,July 2010 is a 60 year old African American male. Ernest is a self confessed abuser of both drugs and alcohol. He told me that he has been homeless for 20 years. He gathers aluminum cans, stuff from dumpsters and etc. to sell to secure money for drugs and alcohol. He stated that he ate when he thought about it and hits the soup kitchen when he gets the archetype to eat. He further stated, I will die out here, and theres no one who cares. Ernest lost his wife in a tragic automobile accident. Through the years he has somehow managed to keep a photo of her. He related that he began to drink to ease the pain of losing his wife, lost his job, his home, and even his automobile. Ernest stated, I lost it all, and here I am. I have no where to go and no way to get there if I did. His parting words to me were words of encouragement. Ernest told me, Keep up the good work kid, dont ever find yourself in a mess like this.I n my weekend field observations I detect four people whom I considered mentally ill to a degree that I did not feel comfortable approaching. These people bothered no one, basically stayed to themselves and seemed quite happy to be in solitude. As far as I could determine, these people did not appear to pose a threat to the safety device of the general public.I noted that many of the mentally disturbed homeless people were actually veterans of our dry land who had fought in previous and also present wars. U.S. homeless veterans are growing at an astounding rate today. Many suffer PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), the effects of Agent Orange, ( a defoliant used in Vietnam) and etc. An excess of 200,000 U.S. veterans are homeless nationwide and have absolutely no place to go. ( dallas.fed) This var. me greatly as these veterans put their lives on the line to preserve our freedom.The last two interviews that I conducted include a homeless U.S. veteran. Harold (last name withheld upon request) is a 59 year old Caucasian male, who is a veteran of the Vietnam war era. Harold related to me that he had been homeless for 35 years and that he returned home from the war measly from the effects of Agent Orange. At that time the U.S. government refused to ac endureledge that Agent Orange was indeed a causative factor in many of the illnesses that the soldiers arriving home were suffering with. Harold couldnt keep a job because of unwarranted absenteeism, and any sudden noise would send him running in any direction available, as hard as he could run. The U.S. government refused to give Harold service connected disability and likewise the Social tribute Administration denied him also. Harold further stated that if you cant pay your rent, you get evicted, that thats how I wound up out here on the street.Eventually, the government did recognize that Agent Orange was a direct cause of Harolds illness. He gets a very small SSI check and an even smaller Veterans disabi lity check. After combining both of these meager allotments Harold said Rent is so damn high, I cant afford it. In fact, everything is too damn high. At least, out here, I can afford my medications, seasonal clothing and eat comely good at least for a little while every month. Harold also alleviates out when he can with diapers and other necessities for the little ones in his area. These are the ones I feel sorry for, I have no kids of my own, so these are all my kids, Harold stated with tears in his eyes.I then interviewed an elderly female, Dora (name withheld upon request),aged 89, an African American female, personal INTERVIEW, 25, July 2010. I observed her pushing a shopping cart, loaded down with old rags, bottles, cans, a few old apples and etc. I surmised that this is what one would probably recognize as a bag lady. Dora was of a cheerful nature and told me that she had been on the streets for 40 years. Dora stated, My husband surface-to-air missile died out here, the cit y hauled him off. Dora doesnt even know what became of Sam and stated that she would like to be able to visit his grave, that is if he has one. She believes that he was probably cremated.Dora stated, They burned him up like garbage, thats what they think we are..garbage.Dora related to me that she and her husband Sam wound up homeless and on the streets due to Sams lengthy illness (diabetes) and his resultant kidney transplant. Financially, they were wiped out and the cost of the anti rejection drugs for his new kidney was astronomical. Dora further related that she and her husband did what they had to do, in order to live.Laughing aloud, Dora stated, I dont know why I got these apples. Somebody stole my dentures. Guess they needed them more than I do. Maybe, I can trade them for something I can chew.I watched Dora as she slowly ambled down the street, pushing her cart, and I couldnt help it, tears came into my eyes. I wondered why God would allow innocent children, old ladies li ke Dora, and etc. to suffer a life such as they do. Then a Bible verse came to my mind. I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known. I will guide them, I will turn the darkness into light, the rough places into level ground. These things I will do, I will not forsake them. ( Isaiah 4216).The majority of the homeless culture that I encountered seemed very appreciative of the flyers that I passed out among them. Many did not know that these services were available to them at no cost. I can only hope that I have given someone an passing to perhaps see a doctor or dentist, get an extra meal, or a much needed medication. Most of these people are good people that got down on their luck with no other resources available to them.In conclusion I have learned that the majority of the homeless are so, due to the downward spiral of the economy, mental illness, or lack of affordable housing. I also found that there is no great difference between the number of homeless people from one race to another. This field observation has resulted in my attaining a broader perspective of the plight of the homeless. My only hope is that a day will come soon, when all the homeless in America will be off the streets and safe and secure in a comfortable habitation.
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